Monday, 4 January 2010


Today was the first day of school after an almost two weeks long Christmas holiday. Still, I'm more tired of school and everything that has to to with it than ever.
It feels like the world hates me right now; I have a test in Social Sciences on thursday (I think, if not already on Wednesday!) and I have to do a project in History, about a subject I have not yet chosen(It must be handed in on friday)... Also I must attend the school theatre (Which is not so tempting right now) and bass lessons on Wednesday...

Luckily, I have things in the near future to look forward to; weekend, Paulina's birthday, Paulina's birthday parties, and the school ball. The last one I'm not so sure of anymore, I sort of have no one to go with, Anne might have to work, and Paulina's bringing Leif... I might find someone else to stalk, though.

I could really need a girl's night again, with ice cream and movies! (ANNE, PAULINA, BILJANA +++.)

Anyways! Today I was up at my mum's place, being bored as usual, but this time I listened to Lydverket on P3. And I've found a new really cool band from Bergen! I had a real WOW-experience hearing this song on the radio, among all the suckish popmusic.
(I bet Paulina is gonna like this one...)

Social Suicide - 5th Man on a Dead Man's Grave

It's really Bring Me The Horison-ish! I love them. The first thing I did afterwards was google them and download four of their songs from Urørt's website.
I really hope they'll be playing on Hove this summer!


  1. i scream, you scream, wee all scream for ice cream xD hoho..

    Btw, i har fortsatt kidnappa skoa dine, tar dem me på skoln i morra (Y)

  2. Jaa, gjør det :]
    Den gode smak, yes?
