Monday, 5 October 2009

363 DAYS

It is now only 363 days left until I'm 18!
That's not long, I thought, until I remembered that I'll have a lot of school work and exams during that time. It makes everything seem much further away...

I want a piercing now!
And a tattoo.
And being free to do whatever I want to, whenever I feel for it.
And to get a driver's licence!
I've already told the people here in Molde, but Jann-chan and Ane, Lena, Henriette and Malene don't know, that I drove (almost) all the way from Kristiansund to Molde! *Proud*

I'm totally going to have this car when I'm 18.

And a septum piercing!


  1. Omg, you did? OO:
    Haha, i've never driven a car. Ever! XD

    ummg, nicenice! :D (haha, får håpe du ikke blir arveløs, hva? XDD )

  2. I'm accually planning on getting a septum piercing in two weeks, when I'm in Oslo on Desucon, and just hide it whenever my mum sees me XD It can accually be done if I don't have a whole ring, but a circular barbell! 8D

  3. I was gonna say GO FOR IT about the piercing x) As long as you can hide it.. :p But still, you'll probably get a piercing before me, even if I turn 18 before you x) (Though I'm already legally capable. Parent-basturrds >__< )
