Saturday, 15 August 2009


Today I accually woke up before my alarm clock! (UNBELIEVEABLE!)
Before Sunniva arrived around 10:30 am, I cleaned the floors and did some last-minute tidying (I found out that I had forgot to empty the drawers of the closet in Sunniva's room...) and did some ventilating (which led to having to kill a couple of spiders). I also took down the curtains I borrowed from Sunniva's room and hung them back up in there. (Tonight I'll be sleeping without curtains. A bit creepy. When dark outside it is extremely easy to look inside a bright room. Especcially when it has TWO windows.)

Sunniva brought a lot of cool things! Now we have a microwave (WOHO!), a usable pot AND a frying pan! And I can't forget to mention the Mickey Mouse-toaster. SO COOL.


  1. ooomg, mikke mus toaster! O: O: awesome! O:
    (knaiz, ingen bilder av sunniva altså? :P )

  2. Pictures of Sunniva will be posted later, along with pictures of both her's and my bedroom (But that have to wait until they're dacorated...)

  3. I will now officially wake up at 5am in the morning to be able to come by before school JUST to use the Mickey-toaster<3 BRING THE PEANUT BUTTER!!
    Microwave. Classy.
